Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

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Monday, 30 September 2013

Narrative-Concept Music Video Research - Breezeblocks - Alt-J

Breezeblocks is a narrative-concept music video because the concept is used to subvert the otherwise linear narrative, it does this by predominantly playing in reverse. This then does not give explicit connotations to the audience, but leaves the message of the video subject to different audience interpretations. It is successful as a narrative video because it is possible to reorder events in order to tell a story that captures audience attention successfully for the duration of the video. The concept element is also successful as it subverts the narrative, and is incredibly visually and mentally stimulating - a consistent mise-en-scene with striking visuals that create an incredible spectacle, and action sequences which keep audiences concentrating and struggling to morally decide who their empathy is with at all stages of the video. 

This has influenced our planning because it demonstrates how a simplistic idea can be extremely effective and have a long lasting effect on an audience. From doing this research, we also established that our video will be more concept and not a narrative video, because it will be non linear and this will leave the message of the video up to individual audience interpretation.

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