Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Initial Ideas 2 - Cabaret/Circus

Looking through a playlist of the entire Gossip Girl soundtrack, we found a song called Guess Who, by Nekta and through research the following Parov Stelar remix which inspired our second big initial idea:

We wanted to create a sort of dark circus atmosphere based around the idea of limbo, i.e. a performance by characters with ambiguous morals and intent with our artist a girl being uneasily dragged into the strange world by performers and slowly becoming part of it until she leads the group. To create the surreal world, almost like a modern, magical Moulin Rouge, we would have dancers doing incredible moves, perhaps some tricks with candles and coloured fire created with Ella's chemistry knowledge and any other tricks we could find amongst people we know including perhaps hula-hooping and a friend who can put both legs behind his head. We decided however that we didn't like this song and looked through some other choices:

Big Beat by Touch and Go

My Superman by Santigold

In the end however we scrapped this idea because it was too tricky to perform and we couldn't find a narrative or a song that had strong enough links with the idea.

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