Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

Music Video

Album Cover

Website - click image to see full website

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Marketing our artist to our audience

We feel that our artist has the potential to appeal to a wide range of audiences, in terms of gender, age, ethnicities etc. For this reason we want to market our artist in a way that reaches a large audience, and have decided to use guerilla marketing as one of our main marketing strategies. This is also appropriate to the genre of indie rock and record label. As the marketing becomes more successful and the artist more well received we could ask the record company to invest more into the marketing and expect adverts on platforms such as Spotify and then YouTube. 

An example of fly-posting

Guerilla marketing is inexpensive and would help create a buzz and consequently the music video could go viral. Firstly, we would use fly posters all over London with iconic film stills and quotes on them. We feel that this would be successful if they were in high density  spread of location but also with memorable and catchy designs. As a buzz is created, we would increase how much information we release about the band. This would create intrigue and enigma for our audiences, and introduce an element of mystery and involvement for audiences. Hopefully this would encourage many people to watch the music video when it is finally released on YouTube. 

Originally "Chaos Killed The Dinosaurs" would perform at pop-up venues around London; this would also raise awareness, and due to the originality of it hopefully encourage fan-dom among younger audiences, who are the primary users of social media, and so this could help our music video to go viral, and our artist could grow in terms of songs released and venues and cities performed at. 

Pop-up concerts like this but with less beer!

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