Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

Music Video

Album Cover

Website - click image to see full website

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Alice Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback has been gathered throughout the development of the project and it has helped us in decisions relating to our music video, album cover and website. It also helped us after the project in realising that our audience had different interpretations of our music video. 

Our target audience was females aged 15-45, who are looking for something alternative from  mainstream pop music. The target audience is quite a wide age range, because we thought our representation of females would appeal to women of different ages, and our campaign was structured around our target audience.

To gather audience feedback, we used social media platforms to target modern audiences and get them interested in letting us know what they think about our music video. This included posting our survey on twitter and facebook, posting our video on social media sites, interviewing focus groups and we also had a screening at our school where we handed our questionnaires, and all of these methods helped us to gather information on audience feedback.

We held a screening in the Seward Studio and people filled in questionnaires our group had handed out.We handed out the questionnaires to 1 person in every 5, so that the results were not biased, and we received really useful feedback that has helped me reflect back on the project. We also filmed a few members of our school who visited the screening who answered a few questions about our music video for us.

I also created a survey on a website called surveymonkey, which I posted on social media websites through my own page, and the bands facebook and twitter pages and people filled in the online survey. The surveys questions allowed me to gather both qualitative and quantitative data:

 The overall rating for our video as a whole was 8.7 out of 10, which I was very happy with; the high rating shows that our video was successful in engaging with an audience, and that the audience reacted positively to the video, giving it a high rating, that I did not expect, suggesting perhaps we were also successful in marketing our target audience.

 This pie chart shows the answers for the question 'What do you think was the best technical aspect of our music video?' and it clearly shows that 50% of people thought the editing and lighting was the least favourite, perhaps meaning we should have put it on more time focusing on the lighting we wanted in our music video.

 One of our survey questions was a question about the genre of our song, because there was room for interpretation for the exact genre of our music video. We decided it was indie pop, but the data from our survey shows that the audience's view on the song genre differed dramatically, which may have been something which affected the marketing of the campaign, because we marketed our band and debut song as indie pop.

The screening with questionnaires, along with an interview with A2 students and our questionnaire, we were able to get a range of audience feed back. Here are some conclusions of our video, with quotes next to some points of some other members of our target audience I interviewed: 

 Positives of the video
  • The editing of Kai and the effects used on the dancer
  • Camera angles and shot types
  • The way that shot speed and style matches the style of the music
  • Narrative and lyrics worked in harmony
  • Performance set up
  • Narrative and performance working together
  • Fast paced, montage style editing
  • The band branding and artist identity "quirky"
  • Hospital scenes were realistic "The bit taking the blood and the needle going in was gross" 

 What could have been improved?
  • Clearer narrative
  • A more defined narrative, that is not left as open at the end
  • More performance shots of members of the band "worked well but made it seem like the band was just backing, so you expect the next song to also on focus on the singer"
  • Better grading
  • More involvement of other band members in hospital scenes
  • Could have made the projection shots clearer/more frequent "I don't think I have the concentration to notice everything on the projection" 

Not only did I interview members of our audience about our music video, but also asked a few members of our female target audience to comment on what they thought of the website and the album cover, and what we could have improved. 

To find out what an audience member thought about the website, I interviewed a female, aged 24 and asked her what she thought of the website.
I have turned her response into the little avatar on the right, and when you click play it will let you know what she thinks.

Quotes on album cover:
"Unusual, but really striking"
"The image on the cover underwater catches my attention, but would not make me think the album was for a band"
"I like that the water theme runs throughout the CD"
"I think the front cover is stunning, but the back cover could have something a little more eye catching to make it stand out just as much"

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