Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

Music Video

Album Cover

Website - click image to see full website

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Promo Shoot

We needed to have a promo shoot to obtain a variety of photos of the band for our website. We tried to make each photo different and interesting by taking both group photos and individual shots of Arianna. We also tried using different props within the pictures, for example a stool and a microphone.

To make ourselves feel more comfortable in front of the camera, we began by putting on some music and having some action shots taken. We had two friends at our shoot to take the group photos, we felt this was necessary as our band unity needed to be clear on the website. We took a variety of group photos including some face-on with blank expressions, standing in a diagonal line and creating a formation around Arianna on the stool.

We also ensured we had lots of individual shots of our lead singer. It was essential that we had enough choice for the website that would create connotations of her craziness.
We decided to replicate the theme of red and black dresses that we used in the projection set-up of our video as these are our band colours. With Arianna in heels and the rest of the band in heavy black boots we ensured that our band image looked glamorous but still with a touch of grunge. Everyone had relatively neutral make-up except Arianna, who wore bright red lipstick to emphasis how she is different from the rest of the band.

We had difficulty with lighting the first set of shots. The area where the promo shoot took place was quite small, and inevitably some of us were blocking light and creating shadows on other members of the group. However we quickly resolved this by re-positioning the flash light and were able to achieve a nice light for the later photos.

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