Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

Music Video

Album Cover

Website - click image to see full website

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Creating the Website

After creating our initial website flat plans, we began drawing up the basics on Wix, the program we used to create the website. 

To start with we created the task bar at the top, and the top strip and made this visible on every page as the start point and the basics to navigating around our band website. This included having the menu bar, our band name (logo) and the option to play our debut single and a small menu bar to link to other social networks, such as instagram and facebook to view our band pages on those websites.  

For the menu bar, we also wanted to create synergy with our main band colours, by including red in the menu bar; we did this by using a mouseover. On the website the menu words are just plain, but when the mouse is hovering over a word, it turns red. This helped to create more synergy with the website and our band.

Following this, we began to work on the homepage, and the main pages to give us a layout and a structure for the following pages. We decided to make the background of every page of the website, the image on our debut album cover to create synergy with our new album, and to keep the audience interested, and make the website look interesting and visual. The home page needed to attract the audience's attention and give some opportunities to interact with the band and explore the website. This was included by a slideslow of new news, including our debut album, a competition and available merchandise to buy. 

After setting out the main layout and structure of the home page, it helped our group to decide what the other pages should look like. This included ensuring every page was very visual, interactive and worked in synergy with eachother, and making sure there were links to different activities on other pages, for example on the events page we have a link to the competition page. On every page, we have also made sure that there is buttons to comment on facebook, like the page or write a tweet.

We did make a lot of changes from our original website flat plans, to ensure the website flowed well, and was interactive for the audience. Due to the website promoting the debut album and our new single, we also put the album image as the background image for our website. The website did go through a lot of changes to eventually be one we were pleased with, and thought our target audience would enjoy.

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