Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

Music Video

Album Cover

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Sunday, 1 December 2013

Flat Plans for Album Cover

After having brainstormed and finally planning our album cover, we drew out these flat plans to ensure we collectively shared the same idea for all four panels. Also, once drawn out, we could check that our ideas worked, and could identify any larger or smaller problems we may have with our proposed idea. For example, after talking to media teachers and showing them these flat plans, we were realised that the front cover shot may be very difficult to light. This is because the bathroom is very small, and we could not use flash as it would reflect from the water. Furthermore, we could not take the photography lights out of school as they were not portable. In the end we bounced a fill light from the ceiling in order to light our subject evenly. When shooting out of water, we used a spotlight to give depth to the portrait. 

Front Cover

This image denotes a close-up of Arianna submerged in water, looking directly into the camera with a completely blank expression. Her make-up is perfect and her hair is flowing and voluminous in the water. The image is striking and has connotations of Arianna being powerful and bold, despite having a blank expression. The band name is at the top and bottom of the panel and the album name slanted at the side. 

Back Cover

In this image Arianna has seemingly come out of the bath, however now she is dripping wet and her make-up has run down her face. Again she looks directly into the camera and at the audience and she wears a blank expression, except to the audience she is no longer connoted as powerful, but much more vulnerable. The track listing appears next to her with the bar-code and record label logo at the bottom of the panel. 

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