Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs - You'll Find a Way

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Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Projection Set-Up Costume

We decided that we wanted strong unity for this set up. Initially we decided that we would all wear black dresses, and so we all bought in what we had.

 However, after trying Arianna in all of these dresses, we decided that the best way to make her stand out would be with a different colour dress. We chose red because it is extremely bold and dramatic, connotations the audience will immediately recognise.

We eventually decided on the dress on the left because we felt it suited her more and because the connotations were less sexual.

This is our final costume for the projection set-up. Arianna is clearly the lead; this is connoted by her stance at the front as well as her red dress which draws attention to her.
Ella, Alice and Rakhi (left to right) are all in black dresses, creating unity amongst the band.

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